
Preliminary Introduction

 Howdy, y'all.

Back in the day (2004–2013), I kept a blog, The Scrivener (the link is on the new main page).

As I wrote in 2014,

Now, I am writing. Some blogging, keeping a journal, an occasional screed, a magazine article. (And this.) Life gets better—much. And—pain recedes.

Well, I've lived since, as one does. Better, I don't know about. But, living still.

Not as much writing of late, and few screeds.

Which is where our story begins again.

Stay tuned.

(The fragment from 2014 is from my prize-winning essay "Keep Writing." As prolix as I am, the word limit for the contest was 250 words. My winning entry came in at 249. The essay can be found here.)

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